'School should not be closed for financial reasons alone'
A GOOD comprehensive secondary education system will do well for the island's children, but any decision to close a school should not be based on financial reasons, the deputy general secretary of the National Union of Teachers has said.

Kevin Courtney added that teachers wanted to work with Education to ensure the island would have the best system possible.
Mr Courtney was visiting the island yesterday for the Guernsey Teachers' Association annual general meeting.
The aim of his visit was to update Guernsey teachers on changes in England as well as listen to them regarding their views on the future of secondary education in the island following the States' recent debate, during which it decided to scrap the 11-plus and sent Education away to come up with proposals for a three-school secondary model.
Mr Courtney said that while local situations required local solutions, there was evidence to show selection held back achievement.
Results in the UK from areas where grammar schools remained, including Kent, showed working class children's achievement suffered while there was nothing to show that middle class pupils' results benefited.