Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: 'I try to do a lot of stuff for people' - good neighbour

A RETIRED roofer who has been helping out his neighbours with decorating, car trouble and recycling has been nominated for the Neighbour of the Year Award, sponsored by Swoffers.


Micky Eborall, 69, has lived in Rodley Park in St Sampson's for five years. He is always helping his neighbours out where he can.

'I try to do a lot of stuff for people,' he said.

'There was a neighbour and his car had broken down. I got it to start for him. Another neighbour had not been well, so I took him to the doctor. I also help out with gardening.'

He said he just wanted to help people.

'It's just all the little things,' he said.

'Whenever anybody needs help, I help.'

Neighbours have offered him money, but he always refuses.

However, they find other ways to say thank you. One woman baked him a cake to thank him for helping with her recycling and another bought him a pair of slippers after he did some decorating.

The nomination period for all 12 Pride of Guernsey Awards remains open until 30 June. Forms appear in paper or visit our dedicated sister website

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