Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: 'Solid and dependable' neighbours

HELPING several neighbours suffering with health issues has earned Sue and Mike Brock a nomination for the Pride of Guernsey Neighbour of the Year Award, sponsored by Swoffers.


They were principally nominated by neighbour Liz Head, who suffered two broken hips as well as a stroke in the previous year.

Mr and Mrs Brock have helped out with day-to-day tasks such as shopping, putting out the recycling and picking bunches of flowers, but these small acts have added up to make the life of Mrs Head and her carer a great deal easier.

'I thought it would be a good opportunity to give them a bit of recognition because we aren't the only ones they help,' said Mrs Head.

Mrs's Head's carer, who does not wish to be named, described the couple as 'solid and dependable' and said they were fantastic neighbours.

'If there's anything at all, Liz just needs to pick up the phone and they are there,' he said.

'Liz isn't disabled, but she needs a lot of support – if I had neighbours like them I'd be very happy.'

Mr Brock had a distinguished career in the army, from which he is now retired.

Mrs Head said the couple are 'renowned for being in the right place at the right time' and that they are also attentive as grandparents in an extensive family of their own.

The nomination period for all 12 Pride of Guernsey Awards remains open until 30 June. Forms appear in paper or visit our dedicated sister website

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