'Education, sport and culture will be treated in same way'
EDUCATION, sport and culture will each be given equal priority, the committee's president has vowed, as he shared concerns about how travel links were negatively impacting inter-island sport.

As a former sportsman, Paul Le Pelley said it was an area that needed to be addressed and he was more than happy to speak to sports clubs about the issues.
'I chaired the Scrutiny Committee air links panel and quite an important part of that was a presentation from the Sports Commission about the problems they were facing, sports hospitality and the business that could be made from sports to and from the island.
'It is something I am very concerned about,' he said.
Condor has had to charter a plane to ensure that tomorrow's women's Muratti team is not stranded in Jersey after the ferry operator cancelled Sunday's Clipper service for important maintenance.
The Guernsey Football Association said this was another example of the wide-scale air travel issues that continued to damage inter-island sport.
Deputy Le Pelley, who sat on the Culture & Leisure board, said there was already a States directive to create a comprehensive sports strategy, including funding requirements, following an amendment from former Deputy Garry Collins last term.