Pride of Guernsey: 'PC Simon showed great care'
GREAT care was shown by PC Sam Simon to Jo Timms after she self-harmed.
'PC Simon showed me care, respect and empathy when he (and two colleagues) helped me after I had self-harmed,' she said on the nomination form for the Pride of Guernsey Emergency Hero of the Year awards sponsored by Rossborough Insurance.
'Self-harm is probably one of the most difficult situations for anyone to respond to.
'These police officers were kind and considerate in a professional way and deserve an award.'
PC Simon remained at Accident and Emergency and kept reassuring her, while showing great patience.
'I believe all these officers deserve an award, especially PC Simon.'
The nomination period for all 12 Pride of Guernsey Awards remains open until 30 June. Forms appear in paper or visit our dedicated sister website