Games gets £750k pledge of support
MORE public funds will be needed to host the 2021 Island Games beyond the £750,000 pledged by the States yesterday, it has been warned, with security costs and capital projects still to come.

Home Affairs president Mary Lowe said her committee would probably need more in its budget for security if Guernsey hosted the event.
Policy & Resources president Deputy Gavin St Pier also outlined how the Footes Lane synthetic athletics track was subject to an outline proposal for funding from the Capital Reserve – with estimates this could cost £1m.
Other members also sounded alarms about the potential for the cost to escalate and the States forced to plug any shortfalls.
However, Education, Sport & Culture president Paul Le Pelley led the calls for the States to grasp this opportunity and the many economic and social benefits it would bring.
He also stressed that every effort would be made to keep costs down.
'I can't tell you there are no risks,' he said. 'There is a risk. There has to be a risk. There is nothing, I don't think, that has no risk.'
The States yesterday gave its support to the bid by the Guernsey Island Games Association for Guernsey to host the 2021 Island Games, and to provide the States grant of £750,000.
This will be funded through a combination of £600,000 from the Lottery Appropriation Account, including the operating surplus from the running of an Island Games Lottery, and £150,000 from the Sports Loans Fund.