Territorial seas tops Bailiwick Council's agenda
THE Bailiwick Council met in Alderney for the first time this month and issues around the islands' territorial seas were at the top of the agenda.

Deputy Al Brouard from the Policy & Resources Committee and Conseiller Charles Maitland, chairman of Sark's Policy & Performance Committee, were among the delegates who travelled to Alderney to discuss legislative matters affecting all of the islands.
Top of the agenda was debate around extending the territorial limits around the islands to 12 miles.
Under international law, a jurisdiction can extend its territorial waters to a limit of 12 miles. Alderney and Guernsey currently each have a three-mile limit.
Extension could see Guernsey's territorial limit widened to 12 miles and Sark enveloped within that. Alderney would fall within the ring but has the power to legislate in its own territorial seas.
Politicians are keen that none of Alderney's existing power over its territorial waters is eroded.
Alderney has just approved a £25,000 spend on a marine management plan, which will look at the risks, challenges and benefits in extending the territorial water limits.
Jo Reeve, director of International Relations and Constitutional Affairs, External and Constitutional Relations, said extension was being explored as something the Bailiwick could do.