States-funded pre-school education launches today
EDUCATION, Sport & Culture today launches its free 15 hours pre-school education initiative and has said it is confident that, with 28 providers, it has enough signed up to offer placements.

Urgent last-minute talks were held between pre-schools and Education in April, since a large number of providers had refused to sign up to pre-school funding arrangements before the deadline.
Education committee member Andrea Dudley-Owen said the 'vast majority' of pre-schools have now signed up and president Deputy Paul Le Pelley reassured that the States would step in if needed.
'The committee is committed to working with the private sector in a public-private partnership to deliver this entitlement but parents should feel reassured that it is our intention for the States to provide any remaining spaces if required,' said Deputy Le Pelley.
Parents can now sign up for the free education entitlement with a range of private providers, after the move was approved by the States just over a year ago.