Alderney children celebrate Queen's 90th with party
ALL of Alderney's children were invited to join a party to celebrate her majesty's 90th birthday – appropriately enough held in Queen Elizabeth II Street.

Under glorious sunshine they enjoyed a picnic lunch on trestle tables set up outside the courthouse and a slice of two matching cakes that had been baked to hold 90 candles.
The event was organised by learning assistant Sharon Jenkins and about 60 youngsters attended.
She set the event up after hearing at the lighting of a beacon on the Butes to mark the Queen's birthday proper that children in Guernsey and the UK would be invited to street parties to mark the official event.
'I thought it was important that children in Alderney didn't miss out on the occasion, as it would be something they would remember for the rest of their lives,' she said. 'They needed to be included in something too.'
Children have been learning about the Queen at school.
Grace Millan, 7, said: 'This party is for her 90th birthday. What I know about the Queen is that she is very nice and wears nice clothes.'