Pride of Guernsey: 'She makes learning fun'
A LA MARE DE CARTERET primary teacher who makes learning fun and helps her students to feel safe on school trips has been nominated for the Garenne Group-sponsored Teacher of the Year Award.

Martha Davies, who started teaching her nominator, Matilda Bisson, 9, in September, is conscious of her pupils and is quick to notice when they need help.
'She is very supportive to us,' said Matilda. 'She always notices when someone is not feeling right.'
Matilda added that Mrs Davies was a reassuring presence on school trips, without being too strict.
'I nominate Mrs Davies, because she is a very fun teacher and when we went on our school trip to Lihou Island she made us all feel at home and safe'
And Matilda, who is in Year 4, said she was looking forward to further lessons with Mrs Davies, whose teaching style made her subject material entertaining.
'I am also really enjoying the Tudor topic she is doing with us,' she said. 'She makes learning fun.'