Guernsey Press

Pokemon Go craze sweeps the island

GOTTA catch em' all – right across the island.


Pokemon Go has seen the creatures appear across the globe in recent days, and following the official launch of the smash hit app in the UK, Guernsey has gone Pokemon mad.

Savvy phone users have been using a nifty workaround and start heading to the virtual gyms and Pokestops earlier this week, which is when Guille-Alles Library customer services librarian Rachel Mahy noticed something was up.

'People were just wandering round on their phone. It started Monday night, when a few people with friends and partners had been out and said that the library was featured in the game – and this was pre-UK release,' she said.

'We had a staff meeting and a staff member who is really into it, educated us. It has been the topic of conversation this week.

'We have had people in the library and Market Square trying to catch the Pokemon. We are hoping that it will bring people into the library who would not normally come in. We want people to see this as a community facility, and we have free wifi.'

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