Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: 'She is an amazing granny for whom nothing is too much trouble'

WHETHER it is being the official patient in her grandchildren's make-believe hospital or telling a great story, for 'super granny' Wendy Wilson, nothing is too much trouble.


Wendy was nominated for The Channel Islands Co-operative Society-sponsored Grandparent/s of the Year award by Ava, 5, and Max, 2.

The children's mother, Emma Worthington, said their granny was amazing and had looked after them both full-time since she had returned to work.

'She is an amazing granny for whom nothing is too much trouble, be it taking Max to his swimming lessons and getting in with him, or prancing around at pre-school ballet with Ava or looking after them when they are poorly.

'She runs around with them all day, doing the school run, going to the park and playing on the beaches.

'If the weather is not great then she is the official patient in their hospital or the storyteller extraordinaire.'

Emma said she was not just a normal granny. For 16 years Wendy and her husband have run the Guernsey Romanian Aid Appeal. It supports a church and children's project in east Romania.

'She works tirelessly to raise money to support these projects and the changes that they can make in lives.

'If all those things were not enough to keep this super-granny going, she is also a silver accredited guide, so that she can also share the love that she has of her island with people from all over the world.'

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