Alderney air services hit by double censure
AURIGNY'S Alderney services have been subjected to a two-pronged attack.

Policy and Finance Committee chairman Robert McDowall has called some of its failures 'pure comedy'.
While the island's Chamber of Commerce has called the service 'abysmal'.
Both wrote to Policy & Resources president Deputy Gavin St Pier.
They are the latest salvoes in a series of complaints about the Alderney services as Aurigny has struggled to switch from Trislander to Dornier aircraft.
Mr McDowall demanded a 'tactical resolution as well as strategic resolution'.
'Some of the failures would rank as pure comedy if they did not impact people's lives, business, pockets and valuable time, aside from the economic damage to Alderney,' he wrote.
'The responses to complaints are at best an apologetic explanation about what went wrong.
'In no instance do they demonstrate how the issues, which gave rise to the complaints, can be resolved.'
As the airline is States of Guernsey-owned, Mr McDowall said senior politicians needed to exercise their shareholder abilities to leverage a solution.
Chamber called on P&R to 'take the necessary action to adopt a management system that will provide a reliable service'.
'The airline seems to revolve itself solely around its Gatwick sector to the complete detriment of Alderney's lifeline sectors,' it wrote.