Community pool work could come to a halt
ALDERNEY's community swimming pool needs another £200,000 to finish it – with work set to grind to a halt this autumn if the cash is not found.

The new estimate of money needed to complete the project – including a £35,000 contingency fund – stands at £746,300, some £200,000 more than the amount originally forecast.
Kerry Wedd, the Swim 'n' Gym project's chairman, said the need to adopt 'a more rigorous approach' to aspects of construction had, while improving the pool's long-term sustainability, pushed up costs.
'If we have not found a way to raise sufficient money by the end of September 2016, we will be forced to call a halt until we have raised and banked sufficient further funding to complete the facility,' he warned.
To help, send cheques or offers to ACSC Charitable Trust and post c/o Kerry Wedd, 1, Reine des Pres, Newtown, Alderney, GY93XN or bank transfer to Lloyds Alderney, sort code 30-93-73, account number 02518636.