Guernsey Press

Roman wall is unearthed at Alderney's nunnery dig

ARCHAEOLOGISTS from Alderney, Guernsey and the UK have uncovered 25ft of Roman wall at the Channel Islands' oldest building.


Built to protect ships moored in Longis Bay, which it overlooks, the nunnery contains the best preserved Roman small fort in the UK.

A team of 12 have been working at a 10-day dig there, peeling back the earth to uncover the secrets of the building, which has been continuously occupied since the 4th Century AD.

Dr Jason Monaghan, head of Heritage Services in Guernsey, said: they had embarked on the dig to find the west wall of the Roman tower.

'We have found the west wall of the tower – 25 Roman feet of that, so that's pretty exciting.'

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