'One of the most successful West Shows in years'
PERFECT weather and mass attendance have seen this week's West Show described as 'one of the most successful in recent years' by its committee president.

Rodney Dyke, president of the West Show committee, expected the show's 'brilliant atmosphere' to translate into above-average attendance once all the figures were in.
'It has gone really well, the place was heaving on Thursday night and the car park takings were well up on last year,' he said.
'It has been a wonderful show and I am dead chuffed with how everything has gone. We haven't had a chance yet to go through all the figures, but we believe attendance must have been close to the centenary year.'
Mr Dyke attributed this success in part to ideal show weather.
'We have had beautiful weather as well, a little bit of rain but not much,' he said. 'It has been a bit cloudy, but that was good for us, as people who would have gone to the beach came here instead.'