Education committee to push for La Mare rebuild
LA MARE DE CARTERET will be rebuilt if Education committee members get their way, they have said as they make a firm commitment to push through plans.

As pressures continue to grow to get secondary education proposals back before the States this year, the five members said they were all in agreement on which direction they would take, but further research and work was needed to ensure the proposals delivered the best possible outcomes for children.
They have vowed to bring back proposals to the States as soon as practically possibly.
Education, Sport & Culture vice president Carl Meerveld said the committee had scheduled in additional meetings because of the heavy workload.
'Every member on the board wants to see the rebuild of La Mare proceed as soon as possible.
'But to get approval to spend £60m. we need to have a long-term plan and we need to ensure that we have an education system that provides the best possible outcomes for our children.
'We have been looking at different angles as well as consulting with a wide variety of people and researching.
'We are at a stage where we are discussing these things and we are trying to work towards bringing those proposals back to the States as soon as possible.'