'Reform is vital for Alderney'
A REPORT into how Alderney is governed has highlighted issued a string of stark warnings about the peril the island faces if it fails to embark on a programme of change.

The Good Governance Report, by the Constitution Unit at University College London, was commissioned by the States in March to examine how well Alderney is equipped to face changes in the wider world.
Threats included Brexit, the falling away of Protocol 3 and developments closer to home, such as the transformation of Alderney's financial relationship with Guernsey and a demographic which is likely to see the dependency ratio reach 1:1 by 2035.
President Stuart Trought said the report was the launch-point of an intense period of public consultation into how people wanted their government to look in the future, called Your Island, Your Choices.
The report's author, Andrew McDonald, summarised why, after six months of analysing how Alderney was run, reform was so vital.
'Alderney has considered reform in the past, only to reject it,' he said.