Alderney Tapestry goes into Battle and on display
Alderney's tapestry went into Battle this week ready for the 950th anniversary of the famous Norman conquest.

It is hanging in Battle Museum near Hastings and will be there for the Norman conquest anniversary weekend of 14-16 October, when a plethora of events includes the re-enactment of England's most historic battle.
Alderney's tapestry, now on prominent display at Battle Museum, will be a focal point.
Earlier this month tapestry creator Kate Russell and artist Pauline Black gave a talk at the museum on the 10ft piece of needlework. They are pictured with artist Tina Greene who, inspired by the Alderney panel, has embarked on a community tapestry showing how life might have been in Battle between 1066 and the founding of Battle Parish Church in 1115.
On 26 August, Alderney's tapestry – the only tapestry actually showing William the Conqueror's conquest of England and his coronation, which is the missing chapter of the famous Bayeux Tapestry – was taken to Battle by Robert Emeleus, chairman of Battle Museum.
A high-resolution replica of the tapestry is to go on display in Guernsey's Candie Museum and Jersey's Archives in October, as well as in the Alderney Library and the Alderney Museum.