Education is 'weak, a shambles and lacking leadership'
EDUCATION'S political committee has been accused of being 'weak, a shambles and lacking leadership' for now leaving it up to the States to 'pick up the pieces' and make a decision over secondary education policy.

Several deputies yesterday continued the attack on the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture after it announced it would be going back to the States to ask it to decide whether to back the decisions of the previous Assembly on key secondary eduction policies or to reject them.
States members warned it was imperative for the committee to come forward with clear recommendations to the States, and detailed information and findings, so an informed decision could be made. If not, amendments would likely be drawn up.
Education president Paul Le Pelley most recently said his split committee would implement whatever was decided by the States, aiming to bring the matter before the Assembly at the 2 November meeting.
It will seek a decision on whether to rescind or endorse the resolutions made in March, when it had been decided to move to an all-ability model and drop to just three secondary schools.