Guernsey Press

Outline permission is given for Friquet Hotel luxury lodges

DETAILED plans for 11 self-catering lodges next to Le Friquet Hotel should be drawn up in the new year, after the project was given outline permission from planners.


The project, which was submitted by Le Friquet Ltd and Le Friquet Investments Ltd for a derelict glasshouse site, drew no objections from Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services, despite the loss of agricultural land.

About half the five-acre glasshouse site to the west of the hotel would be used for the project, and the main access to the hotel would change so that all traffic had to use the lane at the south-east of the site.

Project architect Debbie Joyce said they were delighted

'Market research has shown there is a strong demand for high quality self-catering on the island,' she said.

'In developing the design we have looked at several schemes in the UK, where similarly designed luxury lodges have proved to be very popular.'

In the planning report Marketing & Tourism backed the scheme, stating the new road layout would be an improvement and that the proposed lodges would be a valuable addition to the visitor economy.

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