Chinese way of teaching to be trialled
A CHINESE teaching technique could be trialled in Guernsey classrooms, teachers have said, following a recent trip to China.

Mastery is an approach to teaching maths commonly used in China and was seen first-hand by a delegation of eight on a six-day visit to Shanghai.
The trip was provided and part-funded by Hanban, a public institution affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Education.
Travel and visa costs totalling £8,500 were covered by the head teachers' continuing professional development funds and the teachers themselves.
St Martin's Primary School head teacher Cate Mason was among the delegation and said the mastery approach was something they would look to trial, initially in a couple of schools in certain year groups.
It was something that had been taken on by the UK and other countries.
College of Further Education principal Louise Misselke was also on the trip and said considerable evidence supported the technique.