Rugby's Six Nations Trophy inspires the next generation
YOUNG rugby players said it was inspirational to be able to see and touch one the sport's most iconic trophies, the RBS Six Nations Championship Trophy.

Freshly manufactured last year to replace the original, the trophy was on show at La Mare de Carteret High School.
There with it were some of the school's former pupils who have gone on to make their mark in the game locally and in the UK – George Collenette, Luke Jones, Rachel Merrien and Layton Batiste.
Along with La Mare's students, some from St Sampson's and Le Murier also attended to see the renowned trophy.
There was a multi-school assembly led by the head of PE at La Mare, Seoirse Lee.
Attending the assembly was the school's deputy head boy and rugby prefect Phill Le Noury, 15.
'To get to that level would be the dream – and everyone has a dream, something to aim for,' he said.
The trophy is also on display at today's Guernsey Raiders game at Footes Lane, which kicks off at 2.30pm.