Guernsey Press

Pillars in lane anger parish

PARISH officials are objecting to granite pillars being put at the base of a historic earth bank in a narrow St Martin's lane.


But the company which put them there applicant has said the bank had become home to 'wasp-like flies' and was slipping into the road during wet winters.

The row centres around a bank in Le Becquet, alongside Le Becquet Farm.

In the summer, diggers were used to remove a spotted removing large section of the bank, despite no planning permission having been sought.

A retrospective planning application has been submitted by J. Cleal, of Cleal Investments and Developments Ltd, who said not applying for planning permission in the first place had been a genuine mistake.

The plans are available to view at Sir Charles Frossard House and islanders can comment on them until Monday. 5 December.

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