Guernsey Press

Dairy pours 6,140 litres of milk down the drain

THOUSANDS of litres of Guernsey Milk have been poured down the drain after too much was produced and packaged ahead of this year's Christmas season.


The 6,140 milk litres cost the dairy around £3,000, and it could not be re-purposed as it was already in cartons and ready to be delivered to shops around the island.

A spokesperson for the dairy said the amount of milk produced for the Christmas period is based on the previous year's sales.

'This means that 2016 production was based on sales figures in 2015.

'This year the sales of milk on the "big shopping days" in the run-up to Christmas were lower than last year,' it said.

'As a result, 6,140 litres of milk (full fat, low fat and skimmed) has been disposed of.'

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