Good weather brings visitors to Herm
SO FAR, winter has been a kind one for Herm.

Compared with the past couple of years, the Christmas shopping days went off without a hitch and there have been few cancelled boats. We have welcomed thousands of guests to our shores in December and bright sunny days have been the norm.
A Herm Christmas is a traditional one and the lovely weather this year made it a particularly nice time to visit.
The unseasonal sunshine didn't make much of a difference for those doing the Polar Bear Swim at Belvoir on Christmas morning. They still looked decidedly chilly as they took the icy plunge, but there was plenty of hot chocolate and brandy on offer to warm them up.
New Year at the Mermaid Tavern has for years been a very popular event. Every holiday cottage was full and most hotel rooms were reopened just for the occasion.
The theme was mods, rockers and punks, and as usual our guests went for it with gusto. Some fabulous costumes were aired, doing justice to the fabulous backdrop provided by the Mermaid, which has got event decorating down to a fine art.
There is only a very small team at the pub during the winter season and they did a great job of serving the hundreds of guests that passed through the door during the last days of December, working almost round the clock at New Year and serving hundreds of meals.