Jersey deputy to talk on democracy
A JERSEY deputy who told his fellow States members that the island's political system was 'a complete and utter shambles' is to hold meetings in Guernsey, Alderney and Sark to talk about democracy in the Bailiwick.

The visit of Sam Mezec, leader of that island's only political party, Reform Jersey, follows a speech he gave in the States during which he made scathing criticisms of the attitude and competence of the island's government.
The speech went viral on social media and amassed more than 100,000 views.
He said he will tailor the content of his meetings to each island, looking at the democratic situation in each.
'Sark is not a democracy and there is no way it can be described as one,' he said. 'They really, really need to sort their act out to improve their democratic system.'
He had praise for Alderney, however, and said he was impressed with the recent elections which saw several sitting States members lose their seats.
Guernsey's event is being held from 7.30pm on Wednesday 25 January at the Wicked Wolf (formerly the Carlton Hotel) in St Martin's.
Alderney's is being held from 7.30pm on Thursday 26 January at the Island Hall.
Sark's event will take place in February, with a date and venue to be confirmed.