Balloons and anti-tank stake among clean-up items
A MOP, two McDonalds balloons and a Second World War anti-tank stake were among the items picked up at a volunteer beach clean in Alderney.

The effort was a pan-Channel Islands event aimed at monitoring the sort of waste found on beaches and picking up litter before it could get swept out to sea again or affect wildlife onshore.
In 2016 the Channel Islands were one of a few places where litter levels had reduced compared to the year before – down 10 per cent – but on average volunteers still found 200 pieces of litter per 100m.
Of particular concern is the rise in drinks bottles and balloon waste. Recently a balloon was found in Alderney bearing the name of a nightclub in Taunton, Somerset. They do not degrade and can be easily mistaken for food by seabirds and marine mammals.
Around 20 volunteers helped clear litter from Braye Beach and Longis Beach on Saturday.