Alderney health review calls for radical changes
MAJOR improvements to Alderney's healthcare system are being recommended after a review raised concerns about 'unsatisfactory or risky professional practice' and a distrust in care.

The independent review of Health and Social Care Need, Provision and Governance in Alderney, compiled by Prof. Philip Wilson and Dr Lucy Thompson from the University Of Aberdeen Centre for Rural Health, makes 16 recommendations plus sub-recommendations, which aim to bring Alderney islanders' 'healthcare outcomes' in line with their counterparts in Guernsey.
They include giving a full apology for to Dr Rory Lyons, who was investigated after being wrongly implicated in four deaths in the island.
It also found that twice as many sleeping pills and tranquillisers were prescribed in the island than were in Guernsey.
However, the review has been criticised by senior Guernsey politicians, who said it relied heavily on anecdotal evidence.