Sarah murder-accused has 'secret' to share only with her parents
FLYING out to India to meet the man accused of murdering their daughter amid claims he is willing to reveal 'a secret' about her death is something Vic and Kate Groves are now considering.

It emerged yesterday that Dutchman Richard de Wit, who has reportedly converted to Islam while in jail, is willing to disclose some details about Sarah Groves' death, but only to her parents.
But before they fly out to India, the couple are first seeking confirmation about the truthfulness of Mr de Wit's claims.
'The problem we have is that it's an arduous, unpleasant, horrible, costly journey,' Mrs Groves said.
'We don't want to go over there on a whim and find out that whatever he wants to tell us is nothing new.
'So we are trying every which way to find a way through this, and if we can have some form of confirmation first that what he is saying is genuine then we will be straight off.
'It can only be one of two things – that he knows what happened that night or that he was the one that committed that heinous crime, but it's all conjecture.'