Guernsey's Finest Hour Appeal: Why we need to remember their bravery
IT IS very important that the island remembers the events of the First World War and in particular the role that Guernseymen played in it, according to Lt-Governor Vice-Admiral Sir Ian Corder and Bailiff Sir Richard Collas, patrons of the RGLI Charitable Trust.

The trust was set up to commemorate the courageous part played by the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry in the conflict, particularly at the notorious Battle of Cambrai, the centenary of which will be marked in November.
Hundreds of local men lost their lives, with hundreds more left missing or wounded, in the fighting against a massed German attack in a small suburb near the French town of Masnieres.
Most were friends or family and the impact of the battle, viewed by many as Guernsey's finest hour, would go on to affect generations of islanders.
Yet while this bravery was acknowledged within the military at the time, no dedicated, lasting public memorials currently exist, either at home or abroad.
Now, in this landmark year, the trust aims to raise enough funds to place a piece of Guernsey granite in the RGLI's honour near the exact spot where they fought together in France, along with a plaque of Portland stone in our Town Church, home to the battalion's colours.
Donate now:
OUR Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign was set up by the newspaper to help the RGLI Charitable Trust's appeal to raise £30,000 for the memorials.
You can donate in two ways, either directly at Lloyds Bank or by sending a cheque to Chris Oliver, co-founder of the RGLI Charitable Trust.
Donations should be made to Lloyds Bank, St Peter Port, quoting sort code 30-93-73, account number 32700168 and The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust. Cheques should be made payable to The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust and posted to the RGLI Charitable Trust, Les Emrais, Ruette des Emrais, Castel, GY5 7YF, tel. 251683.
Inclusion on our Roll of Honour is optional. If you want your reason for donating to appear on the roll, which is updated every few days and appears regularly in the newspaper and permanently on our website, please either email or include a note if sending a cheque, using no more than 30 words for your dedication.
More details of our Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign appear on our website at
If you have a story for us about the RGLI please contact