Positive mental health 'needed to make life work'
NOTHING else in life will work without positive mental health and wellbeing, according to Dr Nick Baylis, who spoke at a conference for teachers and other school staff yesterday.

Primary and secondary school staff attended the event, which was hosted at La Houguette Primary, and its aim was to explore the importance of children's and teachers' mental health and wellbeing to learning.
Mental Health – A State of Wellbeing featured a range of workshops and a keynote presentation from Dr Baylis, a consultant wellbeing psychologist, therapist and performance coach.
The conference formed part of Education Services' preparation for the implementation of the Bailiwick's new curriculum, which puts positive mental health and wellbeing at the heart of children's learning.
Dr Baylis's presentation focused on what teachers can do to support themselves and their learners in the modern world with all its opportunities and challenges.
Workshop sessions included emotional development of young children, developing learning resilience in students, anxiety, the teenage brain, five ways to wellbeing, mental health and wellbeing – what it might look like in your school and managing mental wellbeing at work.
Dr Baylis said nothing else in life would work – for example, learning would not take place and friendships would not be made – if mental health and wellbeing was not 'at the hub of our lives'.