Phase one of Bridge drainage project complete
PHASE ONE of Guernsey Water's work to improve drainage around the Bridge is complete, and should be in operation by the end of April.
The work was the first of four phases to ensure effective drainage in the area and protect the environment from sewer flooding and pollution. It will also allow future development on the site.
The £2m. project is one of the biggest in the utility's agreed 10-year business plan, launched last April and due to be completed by the end of the year.
So far, the work has involved upgrading and extending the discharge rising main on the south side of the harbour, to enable the pumping station there to handle greater flows of waste water.
This has reduced the need for the combined sewer outfalls to the north and south of the harbour entrance during high flows or heavy rainfall.
A storage tank has also been installed in the car park along Bulwer Avenue, which connects to the gravity sewer that flows down to the Belle Greve waste water centre.