Military history interest led to £5,000 donation
AN INTEREST in military history has resulted in a local firm donating £5,000 to the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust.

The Guernsey Press, via our Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign, is supporting the trust's fundraising appeal, which aims to install lasting memorials in Guernsey and France to the Guernseymen of the heroic First World War unit.
Members of the public and businesses have been donating to the cause, including investment services group Ravenscroft.Group chief executive Jon Ravenscroft said his own enthusiasm for the subject was one of the reasons for the generous donation.
'I have a real fascination with military history and was already aware of the incredible sacrifice that so many Guernseymen made 100 years ago,' he said.
'But sadly, several generations on, I suspect very few other people are.
'Having heard what Chris and Colin intended to do, the team at Ravenscroft was unanimous in their support for us as a company to become the first corporate supporter with a donation of £5,000.
'I hope other companies will follow suit to complete the fundraising as soon as possible.'
The donation is a big boost towards the trust's £30,000 target.
OUR Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign was set up by the newspaper to help the RGLI Charitable Trust's appeal to raise £30,000 for the memorials.
You can donate in two ways, either directly at Lloyds Bank or by sending a cheque to Chris Oliver, co-founder of the RGLI Charitable Trust.
Donations should be made to Lloyds Bank, St Peter Port, quoting sort code 30-93-73, account number 32700168 and The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust. Cheques should be made payable to The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust and posted to the RGLI Charitable Trust, Les Emrais, Ruette des Emrais, Castel, GY5 7YF, tel. 251683.
Inclusion on our Roll of Honour is optional. If you want your reason for donating to appear on the roll, which is updated every few days and appears regularly in the newspaper and permanently on our website, please either email or include a note if sending a cheque, using no more than 30 words for your dedication.
More details of our Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign appear on our website at
If you have a story for us about the RGLI please contact