Rugby fans support RGLI campaign
RUGBY fans raised funds for the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust at the weekend.

Those attending the Guernsey Raiders match with Colchester at Footes Lane were given the chance to take part in a meat draw, with the proceeds being divided between the RGLI Trust and Only Fools and Donkeys, a charity set up by Mike Marshall and Ray Smart, who were seeking new sporting challenges as their rugby-playing days came to an end.
The draw, with meat supplied by Cobo Butchers, raised a total of £610, which was divided evenly between the two causes. A fundraising bucket was also passed around.
There was also a collection of second-hand bicycles for the Bikes for Africa charity, which Guernsey coach Jordan Reynolds said had brought in about a dozen machines.
He said the meat draw is held every week, with proceeds going to a variety of charities.
But after being approached about helping the Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign, he said it was decided to donate funds from the draw at the last game of the season, which usually attracts a bigger crowd. 'I think we raised a little bit more this time,' he said.
He was firmly behind the campaign by the Guernsey Press on behalf of the RGLI Trust. 'We thought it was something good to get behind.
'Especially building a monument to remember the fallen.'
The 'Guernsey's Finest Hour' campaign is supporting the trust's £30,000 fundraising target to install memorials in Guernsey and France to the Guernseymen of the heroic First World War unit. More details at
OUR Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign was set up by the newspaper to help the RGLI Charitable Trust's appeal to raise £30,000 for the memorials.
You can donate in two ways, either directly at Lloyds Bank or by sending a cheque to Chris Oliver, co-founder of the RGLI Charitable Trust.
Donations should be made to Lloyds Bank, St Peter Port, quoting sort code 30-93-73, account number 32700168 and The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust. Cheques should be made payable to The Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Charitable Trust and posted to the RGLI Charitable Trust, Les Emrais, Ruette des Emrais, Castel, GY5 7YF, tel. 251683.
Inclusion on our Roll of Honour is optional. If you want your reason for donating to appear on the roll, which is updated every few days and appears regularly in the newspaper and permanently on our website, please either email or include a note if sending a cheque, using no more than 30 words for your dedication.
More details of our Guernsey's Finest Hour campaign appear on our website at
If you have a story for us about the RGLI please contact