Beau Sejour creche to close – four years after it was saved
THE creche at Beau Sejour will be closing in September to make way for a new purpose-built facility aimed at encouraging healthy lifestyles across the community.

Around 20 people currently use the creche, on average more than twice a month.
'Despite numerous attempts to increase footfall to this service, including increased marketing and introducing significantly reduced charges last year, the taxpayer is having to subsidise significantly the use of the creche for a very small number of users,' said Sam Herridge, head of recreation services.
In 2013, the former Culture & Leisure said it was investigating closing the creche to save £30,000 a year, which provoked a fierce backlash from parents.
A working party was set up to discuss the issue.
It was decided to keep the creche, but under new arrangements.
Sport and Recreation which falls under the remit of Education, Sport & Culture, said yesterday that increasing demand for exercise on referral and other associated services already provided by the existing Healthy Lifestyle Centre at Beau Sejour, had led to a new purpose-built facility being developed.