Beau Sejour creche users upset over sudden closure
THERE will be no going back on the decision to shut the loss-making creche at Beau Sejour, Education, Sport & Culture vice-president Carl Meerveld has said.

The facility lost £14,000 last year, but users yesterday told of their upset at the decision.
Deputy Meerveld said the losses and the lack of use – with only around 20 regular users – were the reasons behind shutting the creche in mid-September.
'It was a very difficult decision, but we have decided to close the creche,' he said.
'The reason why there was no consultation was because we had looked at the options, like moving the creche elsewhere in the building. But it has certain requirements and it would have cost tens of thousands to move the facility.'
In 2013, Culture and Leisure discussed closing the creche but backed down after a petition was drawn up and a working party formed.
'I'm aware of the campaign from last time, but this needs to be a firm decision by the committee,' Deputy Meerveld said.
Creche users received letters about the move yesterday and are now coming to terms with the decision.
Malti Sharma uses the creche three times a week for her seven-month-old daughter Esha. With no family in the island, the facility allows Mrs Sharma to attend exercise classes and go to the gym while Esha plays with trained staff.
'I am really upset it is closing,' she said.
The creche is currently open from 9am-noon on weekdays and costs between £2 and £4 an hour, depending on membership type.