Rock to Rocque riders battle mid-event deluge
A MID-MORNING deluge did not stop the vast majority of participants in this year's Rock to Rocque cycle ride, many of whom had set out in warm and pleasant conditions from the top of Le Val des Terres shortly before 9am.

As usual, riders could join in at Pleinmont or Grandes Rocques, and it was as the final entrants got under way that the rain came.
Before getting a soaking, twins Cameron and Luke Gomes, 9, said they were taking part in the event for the first time.
Mum Fiona explained that previously they had opted to take part in a football tournament on the same day, but on this occasion they had decided to do the bike ride instead.
The boys were waiting to meet up with dad Rick and brother Jacob, 14.
Elizabeth College student Jacob and Mr Gomes had started the ride at the top of Le Val des Terres, but looming exams at school meant that Jacob's journey was cut short at Grandes Rocques. Mrs Gomes escorted him home for revision, while Mr Gomes accompanied the twins on the road into Town.