Guernsey Press

Castel School reopens pool but further work is needed

CASTEL SCHOOL has officially opened its pool again after months of work has gone into replacing the roof.


The project is not over, however, as the school now aims to upgrade the changing rooms, redo the flooring around the pool and add solar panels to the building to make it more sustainable and help it pay for itself.

All of the work that has gone into keeping the pool open has been organised by the school's parent teacher association.

Chairwoman Louise Randell said they had several more fundraisers planned in the works to continue gathering money for the work, such as the Summer Fair on 8 July.

'Fifty years ago, the pool was built through the community,' she said. 'They had fairs to raise the funds, so we are keeping up with the tradition and doing it ourselves too.'

The school's annual sponsored swim will also put the proceeds toward the pool.

To kick off this next fundraising push, OCS Channel Islands, the company which carried out the work on the roof, donated £500.

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