Totally disappointed – Grammar parent
PARENTS of students at the Grammar School are still concerned about the uncertainty of how plans for a new three-school secondary system will affect them.

Suzy Rose, the chair of the Grammar's PTA, but who was commenting in a private capacity, said she was 'completely and utterly disappointed' with the plans.
'The report was surprising in that it focuses on the physical infrastructure and not on the educational infrastructure,' she said. 'I can't see how it's going to work.'
Mrs Rose, who was against the ending of selection at 11, said there was way too much uncertainty.
She said she had spoken to other parents who were worried about how it would impact their children.
Mrs Rose thought that with the changes, more parents will do whatever is necessary to send their child to a college.
'As far as I can see it's just going to line the pockets of the private schools,' she said, adding that she already knew of one couple who had sold their home to buy a cheaper one in order to get funds to send their child to a college.
'I know many teachers who are really unhappy in the system,' she said. 'They came here to teach in a grammar environment or similar.
'I'm wondering how are they going to get the excellent teachers we have here in the future?'
Education said it would not revisit any of the previous States decisions, which include moving to a comprehensive system.