Scores turn out to protest in Alderney
AROUND 200 people in Alderney braved the rain to protest against proposed changes to legislation protecting the island's greenbelt.

Many were concerned that amendments before the States could signal permission for a controversial France to Alderney and Britain electricity cable to be routed across the island.
The protest, at Mannez Quarry, was organised by campaigners against the Fab Link.
It gained momentum when the States of Alderney published a Green Paper this week to amend section 12 of the Building Law, which exerts a blanket ban on development in the greenbelt.
The proposal would see the Policy and Finance Committee given powers to allow specific major developments to be considered by the Planning Committee even though they are proposed for the designated area.
Such developments could include the Fab Link, which it is proposed to enter the island at Longis Bay and leave via Corblets, and a converter station, to process tidal energy, which could be sited at Mannez Quarry.
The 18m converter station would reach the same height as the base of the Odeon, a German communications tower overlooking the quarry. From there campaigners draped a huge banner reading: Alderney, Our Home, Our Greenbelt.
Motives for attending the protest were mixed. Some were vehemently against Fab, others concerned at any change to greenbelt legislation, while others felt they weren't being given enough information about any of the proposals.