Education wants £3.5m. cut in colleges' funding
FUNDING of the grant-aided colleges will be reduced by around £3.5m. per year, about 80%, if proposals submitted by Education are approved by the States.

In a policy letter released today, the committee has outlined its plans to cut the annual subsidy to the three colleges from £4.4m. in 2016/17 to £900,000 by 2025/26.
Special place holder grants will be phased out as pupils complete their studies, leaving only an £816 annual contribution per pupil.
There are currently 352 special place holder positions across Elizabeth College, the Ladies' College and Blanchelande College.
'The last cohort of special place holders to enter the Grammar School or colleges will do so in September 2018,' said committee president Deputy Paul Le Pelley. 'The new funding arrangements commence in September 2019 on expiry of the current agreement.
'The committee is recommending that all special place holders who have commenced their studies in the college system, and remain there prior to the commencement of the 2019 academic year, should continue to have their fees paid for the duration of their college education.'