Cobo car park ownership row goes back before court
A ROW over the ownership of Cobo car park which started some 10 years ago, and which was the subject of a court case that began in 2013, has been before the court again.

AW Holdings Ltd is actioning Kevin Walsh and Robert Falla, in their capacity as the constables of the Castel, and is calling on them to reinstate the area to what it was before it was resurfaced and signs and kerbstones added, as well as boulders that had been placed there to stop cars using the area being removed.
The defendants claim that they own the land and, as well as reinstatement, they are calling for an injunction stopping the constables carrying out any more work, plus £10,000 in damages.
The most recent sitting saw Advocate Nick Barnes, representing the plaintiffs, and Advocate Mark Ferbrache, on behalf of the constables, arguing over whether or not the presence of a statement from HM Procureur and HM Receiver General, made in the capacity of interveners, also made them parties in the action.
The core issue was whether or not the case was out of time, or if Advocate Barnes’ correspondence with them since the last time there been a significant step forward was sufficient to keep it alive.
Full story in today's Guernsey Press