Guernsey Press

P&R ‘driving coach and horses through States’

GRANTING an extra £93,000 to investigate a two-school secondary education model appears to have ‘driven a coach and horses’ through the island’s system of government, the head of Scrutiny has said.


Chris Green has raised concerns over the decision taken by Policy & Resources to transfer the money from the Budget Reserve to Education, Sport & Culture’s budget.

The money is being used to pay for experienced school staff to model curriculum options for two 11-18 schools and then to engage architects, mechanical and electrical engineers and traffic consultants to review how and where the island could site such large schools. However, the Scrutiny Management Committee president is concerned about what process was followed given that it was not subject to a States resolution.

‘As pragmatic as it is, it does drive a coach and horses through our government,’ he said.

‘What if this is setting an unhealthy precedent?’

He questioned whether P&R would put up money again if another group of deputies wanted to explore yet another option.

Full story in today's Guernsey Press