Radical post-16 three school model unveiled
EDUCATION’S £74m. plans to create a ‘world-class education system’ have the ‘broad support’ of the 11-16 schools, but have not found favour with the island’s post-16 providers.

The committee has today unveiled its proposals for three 11-16 comprehensive schools, a re-branded sixth form centre and a higher and further education institute.
Education’s plans, which are expected to go before the States by the end of the year, will see La Mare De Carteret rebuilt into a 960-capacity high school at a cost of £49.6m.
Les Varendes requires more than £21m. worth of refurbishment and remodelling work in the next three years, Education has said, in order to accommodate up to 900 full-time post-16 students from 2021 onwards.
Further capital building costs will then be needed to build the new primary school at La Mare and specialist workshops at Les Ozouets, which will house all apprenticeships, work-related learning and higher education.
Full story in today's Guernsey Press