Millions more for two-school option say ESC
ALTERNATIVE plans for two 11-18 schools could cost almost £100m. more than Education’s three-school proposals, the committee has indicated.

Education has released costings for all of the two-school permutations, however the accuracy of these have been disputed by one of the deputies behind the alternative model.
Policy & Resources gave Education £93,000 to investigate sites, curriculum options and costings for a two-school model.
ESC president Deputy Paul Le Pelley said these worked out more expensive than its £110m. proposals for secondary, post-16 reforms and rebuilding La Mare de Carteret primary.
Deputies Matt Fallaize, Rhian Tooley, Richard Graham and Mark Dorey are working up proposals for two 11-18 schools and the College of FE operating on one site. Deputy Fallaize said Education's figures did not reflect the final information they had received.
Full story in today's Guernsey Press