Guernsey Press

Festung Guernsey to unearth L’Ancresse flak gun emplacement

A GERMAN gun emplacement that has been buried under soil and gorse on L’Ancresse Common since the Occupation is due to be uncovered next year.

Festung Guernsey project coordinator Paul Bourgaize standing on the site of where the 88mm flak gun emplacement at L’Ancresse Common is currently under soil and brambles.(Picture by Steve Sarre, 20257106)

Festung Guernsey is intending to add the emplacement to the Second World War installations that it opens to the public and this would complement the command bunker nearby that already has tours a few times a year.

Project coordinator Paul Bourgaize said it approached the L’Ancresse Commons Council after it when the council was asking asked to hear from groups that used the common.

Festung Guernsey submitted a report about what it thought could be done with the various fortifications on the common to the benefit of islanders, he said.

The bunker it is seeking to uncover is one of six 88mm flak gun emplacements that surround the already-uncovered command bunker on the common opposite Pembroke slipway.