Guernsey Press

Wall removal to face objections

OBJECTIONS will be raised when a planning application to remove the L’Ancresse anti-tank wall is submitted.

Last updated
Work has started to put rock armour in place at L’Ancresse with the future of the kiosk in doubt after tenant Eddie Percy handed the site back to the States. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 20448107)

Temporary repairs are under way with a digger and a pile driver on-site, but the application for the full project is still being worked on.

Meanwhile, the tenants of the kiosk have handed the site back to the States, who will shortly go out to tender to see if anyone wants to run it this summer.

The States decided last year in favour of Environment & Infrastructure’s £1m. proposals to demolish a 130m. section of the wall and encourage sandy dunes to form, controlled by two protective rock groynes.

However, that work has been pushed back to 2019, with this winter’s work being used a stop gap measure.

There was a large number of objections to E&I’s plans, with Vale deputy Neil Inder being a vocal opponent.

He said he was keen to see the formal planning application and have his say.

‘I feel I am duty bound to make a representation,’ he said.

‘I still have real concerns about this plan.’

Full story in today's Guernsey Press