Guernsey Press

Baby born in PEH car park

AFTER being induced during her first pregnancy, Donna Dowding was keen to have a natural birth the second time around.

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The Dowding family. Mum Donna holds baby Jude, who was born in the family car. Dad Ollie had to catch Jude as he ‘popped out’. Also pictured is the couple’s daughter Ella, aged 2. (Picture by Steve Sarre, 20459863)

But she never imagined that she would be giving birth in the front seat of the family’s car in the hospital car park, with her husband Ollie having to catch the baby.

Jude Oliver Ronnie Dowding was born at 9.22am on Saturday, weighing a healthy 8lbs and 8oz.

But not much went to plan for the Dowding family, who had been gearing up to take two-year-old Ella to ballet class.

Mrs Dowding, 39, had to be induced to give birth to Ella two years ago, as her daughter was 17 days overdue.

Jude was due to be born on 8 January, but he also seemed content to stay put.

On Friday, Mrs Dowding went to a reflexology class to try and encourage the pregnancy on and then enjoyed a mild curry before going to sleep.

The next day she was getting ready for her daughter’s ballet class.

Full story in today's Guernsey Press