Guernsey Press

Let's get visible

FIREFIGHTERS are arriving at some emergencies now looking as bright as their means of transportation.

Firefighters attending road traffic collisions and other incidents near traffic will be seen more easily thanks to new bright orange jackets they will wear instead of the gold ones which they will still use for firefighting. Left to right are: Gavin Robins, Alex Clark, Liam Davey, Kyle Fossey, James Bougourd, Grant Hutchins and James Sheppard. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 20527639)

The Fire & Rescue Service has taken delivery of new jackets that provide much higher visibility than the old equipment.

The new orange outfits will mostly be worn for non-fire related incidents, such as road traffic collisions, while the older gold-coloured kit will still be used for fighting serious structural fires due to it being more protective.

Operations manager Andy Mauger said that the problem with wearing the old uniforms all the time was that they could get damaged easily. Even a small tear could mean they would have to be replaced.

In the past, high visibility vests had to be worn on top of the gold uniforms, but the new jackets do away with the need for these.

Full story in today's Guernsey Press